Flux to Flexible Blades

Seagrass and other freshwater macrophytes acquire nutrients from the surrounding water through their blade surfaces. The nutrient flux depends on the current speed, U, which influences both the posture of flexible blades (reconfiguration) and the thickness of the flux limiting diffusive layer. The impact of current speed (U) on mass flux to flexible blades was studied using model seagrass blades constructed from low-density polyethylene (LDPE), which has a high affinity for 1,2-dichlorobenzene, the tracer chemical (model nutrient). The mass flux was measured at different current speeds. The degree of blade reconfiguration depends on the dimensionless Cauchy number, Ca, which describes the ratio of drag force, which tends to bend the blade, and blade stiffness, which resists bending. For large Ca, most of the blade was parallel to the flow, and the measured transfer velocity agreed with flat-plate, laminar-boundary-layer theory, with transfer velocity proportional to square root of current speed. For small Ca, the model blades remained upright, and the flux was diminished relative to the flat-plate model. A meadow-scale analysis suggests that the mass exchange at the blade scale may control the uptake at the meadow scale.